

Your Birthday - born 10th, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 10th, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 10th, May :
In many countries a man's wealth is still calculated by the number of cattle he owns, and the Taurean sign of the bull indicates that those born under it will be financial accumulators. Fortune favours the brave, a talent which May 10 has in full, and which he and she may need, because their Tarot indicates that the 10th card in the Major Arcana, is The Wheel of Fortune, signifying reversal in fortune, gains and losses. Nothing is permanent except change. These individuals focus on opportunities. Numerology helps, the 10th of the month is ruled by the number 1 (1 +0= 1) and by the Sun, which means they generally like to be first, but have well-developed, balanced judgment, ideal for making the right financial decision at the right time. Both sexes understand that ill luck may be around the corner -for anybody. They enjoy their wealth, but invest it wisely. Many end up owning their house, the mortgage paid off. They lay-up resources in case of job-loss, or reversal at work which may affect their income. In fact they plan well for the future, take into account inevitable problems on the way, and so can cope when they come. The women are immensely attractive. They adore children and make exciting, relaxed mothers, although some may not have a family, in which case they will develop a strong circle of friends, powerful interests and a happy way of life much admired by others. Nor do the men count parenthood as a necessity to fulfilment. Both sexes are pragmatic, fast-witted and funny. And May 10's generous streak means that they have no need to court others for their success. They simply couldn't care less what people do, only liking them for what they are. And will while away the hours with neighbours, relatives and friends, chatting, drinking, eating and generally having fun.
Body :

May 10 loves to cook for people, especially little surprises you rustle up and hand round while everbody's chatting. They are ideal cooks for small children who really prefer nibbles anyway. Try making Old Fashioned Toffee, tough on teeth, but May 10 doesn't have many tooth problems: see it as a jaw firming exercise. Take 300ml condensed milk, 45ml golden syrup, a large pinch salt, put into a saucepan, stir continuously and bring to boil for 20 minutes until toffee becomes a firm ball. Pour into greased tin, leave until cool enough to handle. Cut into squares and finish cooling.
Mind :

May 10 can have psychic powers. They have dreams which come true, hunches which are correct, frequently think of somebody who then unexpectedly turns up or telephones. Useful powers to develop rather than deny.

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